
winner of Blue fashion challenge 2017

sissal Kristiansen of Shisa Brand

Shot by Tommy Ton of Jenny S Wardum in Bø, Faroe Islands

Shot by Tommy Ton of Jenny S Wardum in Bø, Faroe Islands

The winner convinced the jury with her complete package. It combined pieces that work well together as a totality and as individual pieces, and was very well presented with a good story. The craftmanship was excellent in many different techniques, the outfit was made in a way that fitted the model very well, and it scored highly on the usage of the sustainable marine materials. And in all honesty, the whole jury want that bag - the winner is Sissal from Faroe Islands
Shot by Tommy Ton of Jenny S Wardum on a fish factory in Klaksvík, Faroe Islands

Shot by Tommy Ton of Jenny S Wardum on a fish factory in Klaksvík, Faroe Islands

In August 2017, NORA held the first Blue Fashion Challenge on the Faroe Islands. 11 designers from Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Denmark, Norway, Åland and Finland were picked to comped for the price. 

Sissal Kristiansen of Shisa Brand won the competition with the Fish Leather smock and travel bag and the seal inspired Seaweed fabric dress.



The competition has received great interest, from around the world. Below there are links to some of the articles that have been on on-line media. After winning the competition, Sissal Kristiansen, of Shisa Brand, has been invited to talk about the competition and sustainable blue fashion in Ireland and on Malta. You can read the speech here.

Eco Warrior Princess has covered the event with great interest and enthusiasm. Here are some of her stories:

Nordic fashion designers compete in eco fashion challenge at the Faroe Islands

Sustainable clothing made from seaweed and fish leather win the blue fashion challenge

Mind Body Green had this article: Why seaweed could be the next fashion statement

Faroeislands.fo brought the news: Seaweed and fish-skin: The future of Sustainable Fashion

The host of the Challenge, Nora, (danish): Blue fashion challenge 2017

Fashion Forum (danish): freya dalsjoe repraesenterer danmark designkonkurrence